I want to help, but feel helpless. My chosen career path makes me feel rather useless at times. But I could lift concrete, dole out fresh water, soothe crying babies, and lift more concrete. I want to dig through the hellish rubble with high hopes, or no hope at all. I want to blow Harper's head off, for not cutting his all-inclusive holiday short – if for no other reason than to say, "Pack your bags MP's, we're going to Haiti".
Instead of helping, I am going to fashion a Haitian voodoo doll out of an old Buzz Lightyear and pretend it's Harper. Guess where the pins will go. Then, I am going to the park, hockey, and finally to Maritime Travel's Vacation Superstore. Not because I have two nickels to rub together because if I did, I'd go lift concrete – instead, I'll go to dream – of warm places, with white sandy beaches and sunshine.
Like Haiti.
Go to Hell, Harper. I hear they could use someone with your shoveling experience.
To give a hand to Haiti, click on the Red Cross Link over yonder.
The Vacation Superstore is on today 10 until 5 at the WTCC. Click on logo for $2 off admission.