I just wanted to apologize publicly to Alex Weld who had the misfortune of seeing me in a towel. A small towel. Alex personally delivered a large, glass jar of kimchi soup that looked like a lab experiment and smelled like a Korean whorehouse – not that I've been to one. The jar sat on the counter for a while because it even looked intimidating, but I eventually succumbed to exotic aroma of hot peppers and cabbage. It was like eating liquid fire, and cut though the clutter in my lungs like hot knives. Thanks Alex, I'll chip in for the therapy required to erase the image of my less than whorish Korean figure from your mind.
Thank you as well to the anonymous gift giver. The Obama action figure was warmly received, although not as much as a life-size Obama blow-up doll would have been. If you squint and imagine him with his pants around his ankles, he kind of looks like Tiger Woods.
I saw Obama and Jesus and Godfather action figures at Sweet Janes last night, when I went in for a dose of happy. I wasn't looking to buy anything in particular, but Sweet Janes has an exciting Korean whorehouse air about it and you'd be hard pressed not to leave there with a big grin on. I did manage to pick up a few gifts and I also learned something about barley candy – apparently a much-loved tradition if you grew up in Havenot. I sampled a piece of a broken Santa lollipop, still made locally. It tasted like cotton candy mixed with happy.
I hope Jane Thompson left here happy. Jane is the "sweet" and the Jane in Sweet Janes and was one of the most beautiful creatures ever to grace this Earth. Jane and her brother Robbie both lost their battle with Cystic Fibrosis, putting truth to the phrase that only the good die young. Jane was the founder of Sweet Janes and I thought of her this morning as I often do in the park, more so as I struggled to breathe in the bitchy wind. And, I most certainly thought of her last night as I entered the whimsical store that is a living, breathing testament to her zest for living.
Tomorrow, December 13th, you can do your bit for Cystic Fibrosis and possibly win a trip to see 3 NHL games just by purchasing a $10 ticket at the Tim Horton's Hockey Jamboree. Tickets will be on sale from 10:30 am to 2:30pm in front of Tim Horton's at the Metro Centre, or you can get them from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Atlantic chapter.
My little bastard was in the Timbit's Jamboree way back when, and it was there I realized that above all else, he wanted to be a goalie. In every single photo I have of my reluctant little defenseman, he is standing in front of an empty net, just as he did this morning.
Looking at the pictures, I thank my lucky stars. I can almost hear him breathing in and out, in and out, happy as a kid in a candy store.
For tickets to the Cystic Fibrosis Hockey draw being held in January, you can email pamela@cfnovascotia.ca or call 902-425-2462. They will deliver.
For a dose of happy and some awesome gifts and stocking stuffers, head to Sweet Janes on Doyle Street, conveniently located by the Port of Wines. Sweet Janes will also deliver happy to all the miserable people on your list.